Street Team
Click on the link above and you will be taken to a radio station search engine.
Where it says "find US radio by location" enter your state, and click "go". It will display a list of every single radio-station
in your area, telling you what call sign (89X), what frequency (AM/FM), if it's college run, what city, and what format (what's
played on it mostly). Look for cities in your area, write down the stations with the following formats:
College, Variety, Rock, & Alternative. Get the phone numbers & addresses for these stations by calling information
in your city. Burn the estrela songs off of put them onto a cd, and mail them (in a "cushioned" enevelope!) to each radiostation with the following typed
letter enclosed: Somethings brewing in the
heart of Georgia... Stirring chaos... People will talk. You should find out for yourself.
Estrela awaits you. If you play this demo on the
air, your listeners will be calling in and requesting it non-stop. Please dont disappoint them.
Please play the demo and give them what they want! Thank you and have a nice
day. The estrela Street Team ********************************************************************************************************** When writing the mailing address on the envelope, be sure to put ATTN: and whatever the DJ is for
that station. Wait 2 days, call and talk to a DJ and ask them if they got the demo. Keep calling and requesting songs by estrela.
Get your friends to call, your parents, your grandma, your little brother, your neighbor's little brother, the pizza guy,
the mailman, anyone and everyone that is capable of using the phone and saying "please play blurred by estrela, thank you" If the station is less than an hour away from you, by all means take the demo down there personally
and make sure it gets in the hands of the DJ. Send e*mails to the station requesting estrela if possible. Why are you still reading this? GO MAKE THOSE STATIONS TO PLAY ESTRELA NOW!!